el's engagement!
congratulations to el on her engagement day. done with work which was shitty bcause of someone who spolit my day, headed to meet love. got his dad a cake & present, we spent some time having some conversation for a while. then back to meet my babes for el's special day. i was impressed with the dulangs that was self made, it looks gorgeous!
done with that, we, the three of us, spent some time catching up with each other. it was definitely a heart warming meet up because we've lots of topics to talk about! such awesome companions. i just need such companions during my working shifts then it'll be oh so much better.
By the time we took shots of ourselves, i was already exhausted. pardon the shitty shots. anw, ive ought to go to the library to get some books. i just felt tht my language is becoming worst day by day.
& happy birthday to beloved mar. :) i love her like i always do. and ive been wanting to meet up with her but its tough but i'll still find some time, i have too! wishing you a blast for your birthday. nakk jumpe! oh nak jumpe!
done with that, we, the three of us, spent some time catching up with each other. it was definitely a heart warming meet up because we've lots of topics to talk about! such awesome companions. i just need such companions during my working shifts then it'll be oh so much better.
By the time we took shots of ourselves, i was already exhausted. pardon the shitty shots. anw, ive ought to go to the library to get some books. i just felt tht my language is becoming worst day by day.
& happy birthday to beloved mar. :) i love her like i always do. and ive been wanting to meet up with her but its tough but i'll still find some time, i have too! wishing you a blast for your birthday. nakk jumpe! oh nak jumpe!
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