Most productive ramadhan, thanks to CB

Hi everyone...

I don't know if anyone is reading this but if there is, thanks for taking the time to read. Ramadhan is almost over and I am glad to say that this Ramadhan has been the most productive for me. I could feel the difference in working office hours vs shift work. My body feels better, probably due to the consistent routine of sleep. It has definitely made a lot of difference.

Furthermore, love current shift allows him to have more rest time. That also means it enables us to pray together during this Ramadhan. It was definitely a rewarding experience and of course, it didn't make me feel lonely on the days I have to either have my pre-dawn meal or breaking fast on my own. Alhamdulillah for that.

In fact, during this CB, I think the work pace is moving a little slow, and I kind of like the pace that I am at right now. This CB allows me to be more efficient in terms of being independent, managing time, and juggling through my responsibilities.

It also allows me to be more the kitchen. Meaning to say, I managed to try a few new recipes. I feel pretty proud of myself actually, it's like an achievement. Each time I managed to cook a tasty dish, it feels like an accomplishment. Not that I am cooking some fantastic menu. Mostly, consist of simple meals. Simply because there's only two of us. So, I always have to consider food wastage and serving portion. There is no point in cooking a recipe which the ingredient that I have to use requires only a small amount and I don't see myself using that specific ingredient any other time soon. I must say cooking in the kitchen saves money but not time.

So, there's always pros and cons to everything, isn't it?

Apart from that, I am actively back to my home workouts. Like yeah baby yeah! I used to do home workouts back then before marriage. Then, after marriage, I entered the gym consistently and neglected home workout. Simply because gym is definitely more conducive to work out. However, entering gym also means, my focus is different. I changed my exercise to more strength training and not much cardio. Probably, one of the reasons for my weight gain. I was looking at increasing my muscle mass. At the same time, I always struggled with diet. Probably, lack of time management and discipline.

Mother in law also has always fed me with good food, consisting of rice and sides. So, it was tough. I definitely feel lighter now and I have been doing my home workouts with my puakas who never failed to give me the push on my lazy days.

Last but not least, as we are not allowed to visit each other during this period. My loved ones showered me with good food on some days. My family and I also managed to sponsored iftar for both sides of the family, as a kind gesture. This is a new experience for us and it definitely strengthens the bond we had despite not meeting one another.

I think it's a wrap for this post as of now. I will update further when...i have the time.
Selamat Hari Raya to all, who are celebrating. And happy holidays to all.



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