DangBeat 09

the pictures below explains the reasons for my disappearance. yes, it was a 3 days, 2 nights thingy. alot of things happened. i was the faci for one of the group, they dint win the best group but they will still be my best group because by the end of the 3 days, they became supportive and grown more outspoken. hehehe. i persuaded them to talk and all. they' re all so shy at the start. haiyo. and im always the talkative one.

camp is over and im glad i was there for the camp because i enjoyed being there. furthermore, thanks love for being there too. hehe. he became the macho man, always have to carry heavy stuffs thru and fro. :))

so right now, im trying to rest as much as i can because my whole body is aching. and im working this weekend, hopefully by weekend it should be fine. and im looking forward to upcoming meet ups with the lepak gang, gems grp and all.

and i still have yet t do my work. darn.



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