Art therapy - first attempt

Today, I tried Art therapy for the first time. It is not an official art therapy but it's more of a teaser of how this works. We started off with grounding activity and subsequently, were told to close our eyes and imagine a color, followed by another color and finally the last color. 

I feel a sense of peace and tranquility when i reflect back thinking of the color green. It relates to my love for nature where i get to feel relaxed just by thinking of being surrounded by greenery. 

The image of me being in the forest gives me a sense of freedom and joy. Followed by the color yellow. The image of sun appears, followed by the color of blue where the picture of the bright sky appears. 

The image changes to myself being in the middle of a lalang field. There wasn't any fear, i was alone but i felt so comfortable being alone. I yearn for solitude by being alone. 

I feel calm looking at the beautiful blue sky and the felt the warmth of the sun rays, it gives me a sense of hope. 

I guess I needed this to take a break away from my current busy job.

Yours truly,



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