i learnt sth new todae..
kk i went to mad as usual..hmm felt sleept at first as the day b4 i slept late..juz cant sleep..so i read some of the mag..well i've learnt new things..im amazed with the prophet n wise ppl. how they control their anger despite being laughed at..hm..ustazah suggest to take note each day we lepas solat so dat later can qada' well i tink it is a gd idea..hmm wie didnt i tink of dat?
hmm ok i'll try work on it dat way..den she gt say solat sunat after maghrib 8x willl hapus ur sins for 50 yrs..wow! so gd!! mayb 1 day i wld lyke to try.
i tink i've been addicted to the bluecoral milk tea ..seems dat evry week i spent on it..esp evry sunday..ahakz..i scared..will it lead to hepatitis B? drinkin too much bubble tea? but honestly i prefer bubble tea rather than gassy drinks..urgh hate gassy drinks .. well got nothing else to think of ..but im alwaes worried..can i score in my fnn? hmm only god noes..well..urm..
i tink im bein very lucky to have ppl arnd me hu treasures me a lot..but i dun reaali express my love fur dat sum1..well deep inside i really loved em..at times they tot i dun bother bt em..but do dey noe the truth ..the truth only god n me noes.. how deeply my love is fur em..
hey time passed so fast!! i cant believe it im gonna leave my sec sch life juz dis yr! boo hoo :-( so sad!! i love em so much such sweet memories..i can say my life will change wen stepping to the nxt stage of life..hmm..hopefully the ppl i met wld be nice ppl ..lyke my frenx..but io;ve no prob mixing wid ani1..well
now doin my fnn research but alwaes cant find the things!! can ani1 help me"??ouh k loh gtg cant waste my tyme!
hey stop toying wif my feelings can or not??
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