Pa said..

I was quite contented at the fact that i managed to do chores and have dinner along with nightwalk back home with pa and my babes.

While walking home, we had conversations on work, life etc.
But one topic that creates an impact on me was about the new upcoming train that links Singapore and Malaysia. The conversation started off regarding prices of houses that are currently rising...

Me : Dah tak payah pindah rumah. Nanti harga rumah kita pon naik. Tu sekolah rendah da nak siap. Nanti, tak lama train pergi Msia pon ade.

Pa : Yelah, harga rumah kita memang da naik..

Me : Ye la takpe, kita tunggu harga rumah naik lagi. Nanti, train da siap, best ah..boleh pergi holiday!

Pa : Alar, by the time, kau pon da kawin...

Me : (speechles..counting what my age will be by then)

Honestly, i feel sad hearing that.  I cant imagine having a family of my own, not living with my parents anymore. I dont why i felt disheartened and i could also feel a tinge of sadness when he said that.

We cant lie to ourselves, we are growing older and soon, more changes will occur in our lives.

I cant thank god enough for giving me the opportunity to spend time with my folks. I admit there are times that we are too busy with works and our own activities that we dont really communicate much. But its times like these that i treasure the most.

Like everytime pa wants me to massage him, i did it. In fact, i enjoy massaging people. I feel it as a way of repaying his deeds. His legs that were used to work day and night to support my family and every little knowledge that he shared was priceless.

I will always pray for his health, well being and iman. Insyallah.

Yours truly,


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