
As I grew older, she's aging faster than we expect. Last 2 days was her special day. I took leave, supposedly to attend my classes but I thought, skipping it for family dinner wouldn't harm right? Anyway, it's hard for us to have family dinner so often due to our different schedule. I brought the babes to Bali Thai, except for paps, who's been cranky.

It was a good dinner, Alhamdulillah. When it comes to getting gift, I'm clueless because can't find much unique stuff to get for her. hehe. But ended up I got a simple gift.

On this special, I want to thank god for giving much a caring mama, who never fail to look out for her daughters despite how stubborn or ignorant we are. She's the best model of a mum that I can think of. She's working but never abandoned her duties as a wife and mum. She tolerated people who gave her attitude with much patience and she's always thinking of her loved ones more than herself. She's that selfless.

I pray that you'll always be placed among the good ones, be blessed with health and happiness. Thank you for raising me up, no words or deeds can repay your kindness. I hope one day, if I were to be a mum, I would have such qualities.

Love you, ibu.

Yours truly,


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