
Yesterday, I was home late. Due to some commitments and today morning I had a class. On a Saturday morning, on my off day too, can you believe that? Having to wake up so early, travelled for about almost an hour journey, just to sit in a lecture.

However, I did it. I did it out of interest and passion. It's my will to pursue this and nothing can stop me from reaching my dreams. Of course, there are days where i'll procrastinate and so on but honestly, I've never enjoyed learning so much as compared to what I'm doing now. I thank god for given me this opportunity. In addition to that, the stuffs that I'm learning is applicable to daily lives. I learnt a lot on understanding people and its behaviour at the different stages of life.

This serves as a benefit for me, in order to understand the condition of my folks better. Somehow, it has enlightened me in teaching me to be more empathic towards others. So, mumsy shared her fair share of experience of being out with papsy the day before.

Somehow, that little information that I received touched me deeply because it opens up my eyes to how much sometimes, we are so focussed on our career and it's routine. More often than not, we neglected living life as how it should be lived.

So, really, there's just so much blessing in disguise after what has happened and god is the greatest with so much love towards its servants. I've learnt to value more and I guess this breakdown is really something worth going through.

Nobody say it was easy. The emotional phase that we went through as a whole and till this point, I wouldn't say things are back to how it was. It would never be but atleast, we learnt to make the most of what we have now. For that, Alhamdulillah.

On a lighter note, had quite a chatty date with ayg, catching up on a lot of issues, literally. Sometimes, we need to stop for a while and ask ourselves, is it worth sticking to a career that will only make you feel lousy as a person. Career is a lifetime commitment and if you're spending your life doing something that's destroying you, then, I think it's time to search for other alternatives.

Saying is easier than doing it. True enough, I couldn't agree more. In fact, I think my fellow friends of my age are more reserved or in a way not so much of a risk taker. We all know how competitive the market outside is. It takes time and patience, not to forget, perseverance as well. I was once in that stage of contemplating of switching career but due to unable to secure a stable position,I stick to where I am now. I really hope, in future, I'm able to do something different than what I'm doing now.

That's all for today's thought.

In conclusion, im thankful for having B, my positive energy.

Yours truly,


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