Upcoming vacay

Had dinner with Ilah, han and arep over at Changi Airport. I cant believe myself that i actually went all the way there just to have dinner. However, meeting my loved ones definitely makes my day. I love how certain people are concern about me and are sensitive enough to care about how i feel.

Hee. Anyway, i got my pretty dress from Han which fits me soo perfectly and i'm sooo in love with it but now i've fallen for another dress in which i'm still contemplating on whether to get it or not.
And i wore a dress just now which i regret because the dress is nowhere long nor short and i really don't feel good in it. Tsk.

Bye you pink dress. I think that dress was given to me by my sis as she can't fit in. I think i ought to sell my unused stuffs at some flea next year, to make room for more apparels!

Love, B!

Yours truly,


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