
I used to be so tough. Tough to myself, tough to the people who loved me. I ignored their feelings, i was too caught up with my own emotions. Too sensitive, depending on people to make me feel better. Weak on the inside yet showed such an inferior upfront.

What was i thinking?
How the hell did i have the heart to keep pushing people away?
I wasn't that way initially. I remembered. I used to be much optimistic. Then, maybe, situations made me changed.

But now i realized. That was a mistake not to be repeated again. It doesn't harm to give in. To forgive and get over it, to let loose and take things as it is.

Thankyou god for making me realized my inner demons. Today made me reflect due to someone's honesty. I've fallen but now i'm stronger. Not too depend on people for my own happiness.

Also, as a lady, i believe patience is a gift from god. Somehow, i witnessed the miracle of patience and hope, it gives chances for people to be better. We just need a little pray and faith, to believe our destiny.

Yours truly,


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