My angin

Tommy initiated a meet up for us and so we had dinner at Seoul Garden, Bugis. Our initial plan was to have it at Siam Kitchen but it has been replaced by BangkokJam. So dissapointed because i was looking forward to eat at Siam Kitchen as their food was nice!

Anyway, kind of dissapointed with Seoul Garden's variety of cooked food. I remembered they had more variety back then. It was nice to meet up with my colleagues as all except one of them has been transfered to other location. Especially the kakaks, they're like my aunts and stepmum. Their life stories serve as a lesson for me. I love how we can be so frank towards each other despite the age difference. Now, only left a few of the veterans at my workplace. :( One by one of my closed ones leaving me.It will also be in a matter of time that someone who is so dear to me will be leaving me.

That aside, sometimes i tend to overlook the little efforts he put for me. There i am expecting more of what i wish to do blablabla..and only after i reflect back, i think i should be more thankful for having him. :) He, who tolerates my angin.

Yours truly,


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