
I had a dream about you. I dreamt you returned and instead of being with me, you went off with others and i was so dissapointed cause soon you've to be away, again.

I just felt so devastated. When i woke up, i can still feel that sad emotion. It makes me wanna tear.

Oh allah, give me the strength to go through these challenges. Amin.

Anyway, yesterday dinner over at fairmount hotel inconjunction with dearie's 21st! I had great time eating all sorts of dishes, seafood etc. And not to forget, dearie looks stunning that night. hee! She should really consider putting on those whenever she goes out. heeee. Thanks for the treat dearest, iloveyou.

Side tracking, cranberries coming and i wanna go but no company. :(
I guess not many listen to them but i really love them! haish

Yours truly,


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