wise words from grown ups.
It was suppose to be a kenduri doa selamat. Little did i know, its more of an open house event. My main purpose of being there is to recite doa's etc for the well being of the family, fasting month etc. But i guess i got it all wrong.
Due to that, i felt like ive overdress. Everyone was wearing casual, and it really feels like an open house rather than doa selamat. Whatever it is, its still nice seeing faces of the closed ones.
Haish, but somehow, this part of the family, majority remained ignorant and take religion very lightly. Im no one to judge, but i can see and interpret well. Seeing such, im glad that im blessed to be brought up with religious knowledge etc.
I realized that as parents, it is very essential to educate the little ones our religion practices. Its not about being holy, this instills discipline in one individual. Obviously, as kids, we never thought of that. In fact we used to think, 'oh my parents is so conversative' etc. Only when we've grown up and understand their intentions of educating us certain then we began to thank them and appreciate them for teaching us such stuffs.
Im no holy person i know. But i have these knowledge and somehow, these knowledge somehow, helped me to discipline myself. Setting limitations to myself. Kids who are brought up with little or almost none religious knowledge are easily strayed. And once they're strayed, its hard to bring them back to the right path. Its hard to build faith and belief into the right path when one hasnt been taught in doing so while young.
Well, that happens to some people i knew. Sometimes, this scares me. I dont wanna be strayed away without even thinking of being back on the right road. Ive seen people who are that way. Even advising them is most of the times are redundant. In case as such, i guess all we could do is pray for them.
On a lighter note, at this age that im in, whenever we meet the families, aunts/uncles, the question of having a partner is common. My aunts advised me to search for the one who can guide me. Dont consider just looks, search for someone who has faith in religion. Most guys likes to enjoy and happy2 with life, with that you wont be much contented with life as it isnt blessed. She said if you've found someone, if he happens to have lesser religious knowledge than you. bring him along with you. Teach him, the neccessary knowledge that is important in life and afterlife. If he refuse to follow, then its not worth staying with him. Most importantly, try to get someone who prays and will make you happy.
And that got me thinking. I've always prayed that i'm able to find someone as such. I dont wish for a super holy partner but i hope to get someone who's willing to learn and follow along with me, to the right path. At the end of the day, when life is over, thats all that matters isnt it?
I've found my partner, though we are not legally official, i hope that we're able to guide each other. So far, yes, jibby been supportive of it. Its not easy, as we have our own commitments but insyallah, we'll try to improve ourselves as individuals with each other's support. :)
Dont misinterpret this entry as if im planning to settle down. No thats not the point. Point is, we all pray to be better, someday. And sometimes, we need motivation, courage and support from people. Insyallah.

Yours truly,
Due to that, i felt like ive overdress. Everyone was wearing casual, and it really feels like an open house rather than doa selamat. Whatever it is, its still nice seeing faces of the closed ones.
Haish, but somehow, this part of the family, majority remained ignorant and take religion very lightly. Im no one to judge, but i can see and interpret well. Seeing such, im glad that im blessed to be brought up with religious knowledge etc.
I realized that as parents, it is very essential to educate the little ones our religion practices. Its not about being holy, this instills discipline in one individual. Obviously, as kids, we never thought of that. In fact we used to think, 'oh my parents is so conversative' etc. Only when we've grown up and understand their intentions of educating us certain then we began to thank them and appreciate them for teaching us such stuffs.
Im no holy person i know. But i have these knowledge and somehow, these knowledge somehow, helped me to discipline myself. Setting limitations to myself. Kids who are brought up with little or almost none religious knowledge are easily strayed. And once they're strayed, its hard to bring them back to the right path. Its hard to build faith and belief into the right path when one hasnt been taught in doing so while young.
Well, that happens to some people i knew. Sometimes, this scares me. I dont wanna be strayed away without even thinking of being back on the right road. Ive seen people who are that way. Even advising them is most of the times are redundant. In case as such, i guess all we could do is pray for them.
On a lighter note, at this age that im in, whenever we meet the families, aunts/uncles, the question of having a partner is common. My aunts advised me to search for the one who can guide me. Dont consider just looks, search for someone who has faith in religion. Most guys likes to enjoy and happy2 with life, with that you wont be much contented with life as it isnt blessed. She said if you've found someone, if he happens to have lesser religious knowledge than you. bring him along with you. Teach him, the neccessary knowledge that is important in life and afterlife. If he refuse to follow, then its not worth staying with him. Most importantly, try to get someone who prays and will make you happy.
And that got me thinking. I've always prayed that i'm able to find someone as such. I dont wish for a super holy partner but i hope to get someone who's willing to learn and follow along with me, to the right path. At the end of the day, when life is over, thats all that matters isnt it?
I've found my partner, though we are not legally official, i hope that we're able to guide each other. So far, yes, jibby been supportive of it. Its not easy, as we have our own commitments but insyallah, we'll try to improve ourselves as individuals with each other's support. :)
Dont misinterpret this entry as if im planning to settle down. No thats not the point. Point is, we all pray to be better, someday. And sometimes, we need motivation, courage and support from people. Insyallah.

Yours truly,
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