When insomnia strikes, i shall write
Alhamdulillah, im back home safely. Thanks for the ride shah. Somehow, i tend to get rides a little more these days and i'm kinda getting used to it.
I had a meet up with my design boys today and im really elated to be able to catch up with them. I'm really impressed with how much we have grown in design skills context. We literally shared our works and experiences and it really boost our confidence level to perform better in future. 2 of them are studying in product/graphic design. The other 2 working in design/media industry as well.
Thank you god for giving me the strength to pull through the lowest part in my life and to blessed me with such comforting peers. I couldnt ask for more. I didnt realized how depressed i was till people actually pointed it out to me.
Having conversation with the boys opens my mind and my heart to be strong. Its nice to have such friends who are very direct though truth hurts but i've learnt to accept it as a phase in life.
Im looking forward for more meet ups in time to come and who knows, we could even plan a vacay together! :)
Ps : anything could happen, nothing lasts forever.
Yours truly,
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