
Somehow, this issue just pops in my head.

I've watched tv shows on interracial marriage and how malay females keeps saying the ang-mohs are always more gentlemen than our local Asian guys. In which, i feel this statement is not justified. As I believe, our local Asian men are as gentlemen as the ang mohs. I believe there are such Asian guys but it just so happens that these girls don't seem to encounter one as such and when they do encounter ang mohs who are that way, it makes them say such a thing.

These girls, who believe ang mohs are far much better from Asian guys, in terms of quality and attitude shouldn't be critisizing local guys. Usually these females would say, ' Based from my experience..etc'. However, just because you've been treated good by an ang moh, and been treated bad by local guys, that doesnt mean that all local guys are that way. This way simply means you are stereotyping our local guys.

I believe when it comes to the term gentlemen, it would be a factor that most girls are looking out for in a guy. Obviously, we females, love guys who treat us well, respect and love us for who we are. Also, this gentlemen factor goes beyond age, race of religion. It is all up to the individuals. Probably, ang mohs seemed more gentlemen because of how their community treats one another. It all boils down to how you're brought up and how you choose to be one yourself. Honestly, i feel that being a gentlemen also goes beyond age itself. I've witness myself how some younger guys tend to be more gentlemen as compared to the older guys.

There are local guys who are as sweet and as gentlemen, i've witnessed it myself. True enough, it goes the same for ang mohs, there are such good gentlemen as well and also there are the bad, rotten ones. To those who got hitched with ang mohs, i would say you're lucky in some ways but please, don't stereotype on our guys. Everyone is different is their own ways.

Yours truly,


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