What are you tryna say?

As I hear life experiences from the people around me, I realised how blessed I am with my life right now. I just feel that as humans, we should not keep grudges, curse and swear at others, make people's life suffer due to jealousy or angst. It is just not right morally and ethically. I pity those who was cursed by others and pray and go give them strength to go through all the obstacles that have been put to them.

On another note, work has been better these days, alhamdulillah. But that doesn't mean that I'm planning to stick to it all my years because really, I am still in search for a change of career. I am still in the midst of waiting for a reply and this really bothers me because I need to make a decision with regards to studies as well. I really hope I can get the reply asap. Insyallah.

Last but not least, someone actually confessed something to me. Somehow, the way it is being put across doesn't makes it sound serious and so, i'm a little confused on whether to take it seriously or not. I'm not hoping or expecting for anything but i'm kinda loving the pace that we are at right now. Though i admit, there are times i wish more could be done but again, why rush? :)

Oh and not to forget, i'm missing times with my Bbs'. However, today i managed to spend my time with B1&B2 and they definitely makes me laugh my heart out. I'm going to miss each and everyone of them. It will be just a matter of time that we will be separated in our own ways but i do hope this friendship will last till we aged.

Yours truly,


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