Laugh out loud!

On a leave and i am satisfied with how i spent it today.

I went out with two of my favourite ladies. We started off from El's crib where i get to meet little Emma for a short while then off to orchard to run some errands then to marina sq to catch a movie Pee Mak and finally, to Chai Chee for a seafood dinner. This movie was very hilarious with a twist in the story. It is a must watch movie!! I would rate it as 4/5 because of it's unpredictable storyline and its touching parts. I love how the director creates the story building our emotions high at the start then gradually decrease towards the end of the story.

Anyway, i had such a fun outing today with my favourite girls. We literally laughed toooo much throughout our meet ups together. OMG. It has been a while since i laughed this much. I truly feel so alive! We had some hearts conversation along the way and i'm glad that people gives me a positive respond to my situation now.

And to end off, someone made me smiled at night time. heheeee :)

It has never been easy but i know, nothing can change what has happened.
The only thing we could do now is look forward.
Thankyou god for the strength.

Yours truly,


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