Raya with colleagues / lepak gang 2014
I blog for simple reasons. Simply because i want to remember these moments that i went through in life, to share or express my thoughts, emotions or even reviews on certain things or issues.
Raya this year is at it's minimal i guess? Ramadhan flew by too fast and soon, raya will be over too. Nevertheless, i'm truly blessed to be able to meet my loved ones again for this syawal. This year, my first time jalan raya with these colleagues of mine. Quite new as compared to my Bbs' or others. Despite that, i had a great time with them. We only managed to visit 3 houses but it was enough for the day as we started in the afternoon, after work.
Tiring but time well spent. :)
So, few days back had my jalan raya with my lepak gang as well! It was a success and i loved every moment of it. I love how we could be so crappy with each other, tolerating each other's nonsense and be carefree. It's like the feeling of forever young when i'm with them. We managed to visit 5houses, thanks to ilah for accomodating a car for us. Thanks to B also for joining us. hee, first jalan raya together. I think he got along pretty well with all the crappy jokes we've had. Well, i guess paps pretty much met him officially already now?
And..i think i've had enough of jalan raya for this year already. :)) Alhamdulillah.
Yours truly,
Raya this year is at it's minimal i guess? Ramadhan flew by too fast and soon, raya will be over too. Nevertheless, i'm truly blessed to be able to meet my loved ones again for this syawal. This year, my first time jalan raya with these colleagues of mine. Quite new as compared to my Bbs' or others. Despite that, i had a great time with them. We only managed to visit 3 houses but it was enough for the day as we started in the afternoon, after work.
Tiring but time well spent. :)
So, few days back had my jalan raya with my lepak gang as well! It was a success and i loved every moment of it. I love how we could be so crappy with each other, tolerating each other's nonsense and be carefree. It's like the feeling of forever young when i'm with them. We managed to visit 5houses, thanks to ilah for accomodating a car for us. Thanks to B also for joining us. hee, first jalan raya together. I think he got along pretty well with all the crappy jokes we've had. Well, i guess paps pretty much met him officially already now?
And..i think i've had enough of jalan raya for this year already. :)) Alhamdulillah.
Yours truly,
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