short get away

It was good. We did shopping, movies, cooking together, night walks, cards games & some bonding session.

But it was time to go. Supposedly the chalet was 4 days, 3 nights. But i plan to stay only for a day as i was very lazy to bring alot of stuffs. And thank god i went back yesterday. The dinner was good, the main people who cooked together were me, ven, kok & aidie. It was damn chaotic and hilarious. Done with dinner, i started packing to head home with few of my peers. My bag nearly exploded i tell you.

Booze, ciggies, taiti, pokers etc are parts of staying over in chalet.

The first night and i can hardly sleep. Maybe due to a different environment, or the company or the situation around me. I tossed and turned, shut my eyes, listen to songs, still i failed to sleep. Darn it, and so i went around being a paparazi. hehehe.

Okay, i need to get serious with my life. Im hoping god give me another chance as i just gotten a reply from ICA and i was just a little too late about it. urgh.

Oh and tuition, im soo looking forward. There's butterflies in my tummy but im hoping i'd do it smoothly, afterall ive been doing it all along. hehehe.

Kaching issues, to rent robe, out with my girls tomorrow, please! Oh and redeem my grad book.




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