

was a hell of a great time.

love and me met and we went to suntec city to witness ssp having their performance for nusa satria 08. they did an awesome job! just that the audio system sucked! like seriously, we dnt even have enough mics thus thier voices couldnt be heard. dissapointing.

bt im proud of them, they did great esp the cubs. :))

oh, i did flyers and i received lots of compliments! very happpyy. i always fear people would nt like my design, oh wells, thanks guys. hehe

later in the evening.....

i went to rp with han and friends to witness the great bands like electrico, caracal and plainsunset. omggg! they're awessooommmmeee! the company i had was fantasticooooo!!! and the crowd was greatttt!!! cant stop jumping up and down. i wasnt as chaotic, i was havg a slight headache. oh, know why? because i dint eat fr the whole day.

bt it was awesome laa! rp sure have a great stage, the whole thing was really great. imagine that in sp? omg, fat hope, im telling ya.

after much of gigg-ing around, homed with shahahahahahahahah. so much of tryna get a perfect picture. we gave up after several tries.

i thought that its fading, but i guess not.
we're just becoming more independant,
which is good in a way or another, i guess.



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