jeng jeng jeng.

hello!! survey time. :-)

1. cats or dogs?
eww. none i guess.

2. i'd sell ma soul to date...
urm well.. i haven think of that yet.

3. ur bezfrend wanz to date ur ex-boifwen.
ouh go ahead. doesnt matter to me. :-)

4. a guy will break ma heart if he...
breaks promises.

5.i'll neva throw awae...
urm my green stuff of course!.gosh!.

6. if i fall fer sumone hue is taken...
what the hell? no. most probably i will not. bcos i hate to be the 3rd party.

7. if a guy lukz into ma bedside drawer,he'll find
urm. alot of green n shitty stuff.

8.wt is de 1 tink dat kipz u awake at nyte?
ahh. listening to paranoya jam 12. on 89.7fm. (ghost stories), daily.

9.wtz de bez piece of advise ur mum has given abt men?
dont judge a book by its cover.

10.wt do u wear to bed?
boxer n shirt.

11.wud u eva fergif ur boifwen if he 2-timed u?
urm. mayb. depends. one sms dat will brings a smile to ur face saez...
argh, i cant mention it here. i guess.

13 .de most chivalrous tink i've done...
urm. well. cant mention it.

14. ma ideal breakfast-in-bed- iz...
ahh. cereal n yoghurt. plus banana milk! :-)

15. wt subj did u excel bck in sch.

ouh well yst we plan to g bbq. bt due to unforseen circumstances,
it was cancelled. doesnt matter to me tt much.
n tday didnt attend mad. freak. imma lazzy ass.
everyone has a diffrnt storyline of their life but i think my family storyline has alot of climax. sumhow i kept on praying that it always ends with a happy ending. :-)
i guess sumtymes im just too egoistic.



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